Saturday, May 14, 2011

Don't Quit Your Day Job

**unless you work for Blogger, then you can quit.

This is a re-post-

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be Usher when he was boo'd off stage in Germany?
or Maybe that cute, sweet young Idol contestent told abruptly to stop singing by Simon?

These aren't really 'put-yourself-in-their-shoes' situations.  It's more of- you momentarily feeling bad for the person & moving on.

Until you are that person.

When I strap SBR into his Cadillac carseat, sometimes he gets fussy.  He loves being sang to, so I will usually sing him a quick Itsy Bitsy Spider or Pop Goes the Weasel.  At the end of the song, in the most precious way, SBR will clap for you. 
He's such a fantastic audience.

Last night I had some extra time, Mr. Husband a few moments behind us, so as I strapped in the boy, I started singing Skinna-ma-rinky-dinky-dink...  It is a bit longer than the others.  As I've mentioned before, he loves my singing.

So you can imagine my feelings of dejection when SBR starts applauding midway through with a nervous kind of giggle. 

Um?  I wasn't done, Buddy. Thanks.

cute, but completely unrelated pic


Unknown said...

Do you do the hand motions with the song? They love the hand motions.

Momma said...

Oh yes, he gets the whole show.