Friday, July 20, 2012

Bead Boy

Over his vacation, SBR seemed to become that 2 year old boy you read about.  

Bouncing off the walls right up until nap-time or bedtime.  He's jabbering constantly.  Shows very little fear. 

He's developed an opinion.  He has real likes and dislikes. 
He can no longer be placated with something else when he's screaming for a particular toy, TV show or snack. 

He has favorite shirts, prefers no pants and picks out his shoes.
Sometimes he wants to sport a hat or ear muffs.
While I let his freedom and personality reign in a controlled setting, Mr. Husband truly honors and obeys his attire requests.

We combat instant gratification meltdowns, daily.  Multiple times.  Daily. 

The other night we went to a nearby favorite 'Splash Pad.'
This night he acted like it was the first time he'd ever been. He stayed back, watched the other kids playing and running through the water, timidly playing close to us. 

When he's a little uncomfortable he'll reach for his Baltic Amber necklace and in the cutest way, he'll fidget with it.  He pulls it up above his lips and slides it back and forth. 

He slowly walks over to me and says 'Off?!'  
First I feel confusion, then disbelief, then sadness, I ask...What?? 
He whines 'oofff!!'

Are you suure??


Slowly I take off the necklace and hand it to him. 

So many emotions sweep over me.  He's constantly had that necklace on since he was 8 mos old.  It can be seen in almost every picture and if you can't see it, it's probably just hidden under his shirt.  

 My mind races.
How can he do this to me right now?  Too much is going on to make me slowly admit he's not a little baby anymore.  You've GOT to be kidding me with this.  He has no idea how naked he looks right now.  Somehow I will get it back on him.  I will let him watch Dora and while's he's distracted I'll put it back on him. Maybe while he's sleeping.

After what felt like minutes, (really 5 seconds) he walks back over to me, hands me his beads and says- 'A-geen?!' (again)

And with a big sigh of relief and tears of joy in my eyes, I put the necklace back on... My Little Baby. 

That was a close call.  Daddy thanks you, SBR.  For not causing another meltdown... from your momma. 


Unknown said...

What a nice surprise to come home and find a blog just posted. That last picture of SBR he looks like a little man. The good thing is 2 and 3 are awesome.

Tru Stories said...

I hate to depress you but pretty soon you are going to take a picture of him at swim lessons and he is going to look like a 15 year old boy.... that might have happened to The Kid today and it was VERY VERY sad.