Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do You See What I See?

So Puxatawney Phil didn't see his shadow. 
How could he in that overcast of a cloud dumping snow on 1/3 of the country? 

For now it gives hope to those experiencing the 'worst blizzard in a decade.'

In a month or so, we will listen as you say a few choice words at the poor old ground hog for being wrong. 

But for all concerned we hope he's right.  Even if it means melting temps for us.  Literally... US melting, not snow.

That being said, we do get cold here, too.  Sure there's none of that white stuff to keep us from coming to work (huge plus for y'all not in the desert).  But, even you can admit that 40's is not exactly warm. 
Thankfully, for SBR, he has a ton of cold weather clothing we need to get through at least once!

In other sightings,  the little man has not one, but TWO little toofs coming up.  (you may have to zoom in, but I assure you, they ARE there.)

Notice how the pictures are all a little blurry? 
Yeah, he doesn't sit still anymore.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is starting to look like a toddler.