SBR has been pretty sick the last couple of days. It started with a fever (101.5) at our friend's house where we were having our bi-monthly home fellowship. They have the most amazing, ingenious caged in room filled with toys. Plop the kiddos in there, peek in every so often, life is good. We love going there!
SBR was being unusually good, I was so proud inside, what an angel baby I have, he hasn't cried out once! Meanwhile, his bestie was crying every 15 minutes for her momma.
Turns out... He wasn't feeling well, his bestie was probably bored with his lameness/ inattention to play with her, OR she was saying: I'm going to get sick, people! get me outta here!
Silly adults, we understand nothing!
(sets in horrible mother feeling- Too busy being 'proud' of her angel, neglecting to go in there at all, for fear he would cry to get out, all the while- he's sick!)
The next morning, luckily, Nana was coming to visit so daddy could get things done and go to a lunch meeting. SBR was feeling awful. No energy, cuddle bug, wouldn't eat or drink. His temperature rose to 105. They called the doctor and got an appointment, stat.
By the time they arrived to the pediatrician's office, his temp had dropped to 103.
Diagnosis: double acute ear infection and acute throat infection.
Mi pobrecito! (my poor baby)
I raced home after work to my precious son. In all his adorableness, he cried when he saw me. When our baby's sick, he can watch TV as much as he wants, so he led me to our bedroom to 'witsh.' (watch) I propped him up in pillows and he demanded "DOG!" (stuffed pup) "MOOKS" (milk) Yessir!
At about 7:20 that night, he hopped off the couch, grabbed his Leece (blankie) and started walking towards the hall.
I said: Where are you going, buddy?
He replied: Ni-night.
I said: okay, I'll put you in bed.
and with an expression I'm sure you've all seen on my face more than once, he turned back and looked at me with all seriousness and much attitude and said "Mooks!" and stormed off to bed.
Demanding little sickboy with all his vocab now, isn't he??
Speaking of.... is that Leece in the bath? why Yes. It is. Because of a tantrum to NOT have it in the bath thrown by SBR, and a Momma caving with her own tantrum and throwing it in there?
So here we are... 3 days of anti-biotics down, he's eating more and more, drinking a ton (to our diaper changing dismay!) and right now, spending the day playing with his bestie.
(*if you're in the Valley of the Sun and listen to a little radio program in the morning- John Jay & Rich... Mah chile sick is a hilarious segment they have done, so it's been running through my head for days)